Tuesday’s spotlight goes to Jasper-Newton Electric Co-Op.
Jasper-Newton Electric Cooperative was formed on June 7, 1943, for the purpose of building electrical service to the rural areas of Jasper and Newton Counties. By 1948, Jasper-Newton EC had 2,799 members in Jasper, Newton, Orange, and Angelina counties. In 1953, after 10 years of progress, the numbers jumped to 5,239 members and 1,330 miles of line. Today, Jasper-Newton EC serves more than 18,500 members and maintains 3,109 miles of line in five (5) counties- Jasper, Newton, Orange, Angelina, and Sabine.
For more information about Jasper-Newton Electric Cooperatives visit their website, www.jnec.com
![Home | Jasper-Newton Electric Cooperative, Inc](https://external-dfw5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/emg1/v/t13/3773993425869780138?url=https%3A%2F%2Flayout1.pod.coopwebbuilder3.com%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2Fimages%2Fpodcast.jpg&fb_obo=1&utld=coopwebbuilder3.com&stp=c0.5000x0.5000f_dst-jpg_flffffff_p500x261_q75&ccb=13-1&oh=06_AbHG_Fq5bNywSLYelDzQDqLUS8KrHjrR4e1yIF4dmZWi-A&oe=63E3E9F9&_nc_sid=aeaded)